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Excellence in Physiotherapy

Mișcare fără bariere: Descoperă Kinetoterapia la Simetrik Center

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OUR MISSION - We have been treating for 10 years

with priority each case

We are the only center that has non-invasive postural evaluation equipment.

Each assessment comes with a personalized recovery protocol .

Simetrik Center


Suntem o echipă de terapeuți cu o experiență vastă în domeniul reabilitării, neuroreabilitării, dar și prevenției prin intermediul mișcării.

Excellence in Physiotherapy

Cel mai performant aparat și singurul neiradiant care identifică cu maximă precizie tulburările posturale vertebrale, Spine 3D, este acum în București.


The best-performing device and the only non-irradiant one that identifies vertebral postural disorders with maximum precision, Spine 3D, is now in Bucharest. The postural investigation system uses Laser IR and LiDAR technology, which allows multiple, highly accurate, three-dimensional measurements to be made in a single exposure without irradiation.

SPINE 3D enables three-dimensional reconstruction of the spine through a quick, easy, radiation-free and non-invasive 3D spine scan of the patient's back, identifying all changes in the spine, making accurate measurements of all angles, deviations from the midline of the spine, managing to identify with maximum precision the cause of the back pain.



Physiotherapy involves the use of movement and exercise as a form of therapy and is recommended in the management of orthopedic and neuro-motor conditions, including trauma, post-operative periods and chronic problems.


Physiotherapy involves the use of movement and exercise as a form of therapy and is recommended in the management of orthopedic and neuro-motor conditions, including trauma, post-operative periods and chronic problems.


Pediatric Physiotherapy is a therapeutic program for babies and children, starting from the first days of life. This program helps them overcome the limits of motor development following a diagnosis, giving them the chance of an independent childhood.

The first step consists of an evaluation session, carried out to establish a recovery plan, based on the specific consultation of the physiotherapist and the analysis of the medical file.


Absolvent al Facultății de Kinetoterapie și Motricitate Specială, UNEFS București.

Cursuri și specializări:

FNP - Facilitări Neuroproprioceptive Nivelul 1, 2 și 3
Terapie manuală ortopedică (OMTRO)
Conceptul Mulligan
Metoda Kochi - presopunctură japoneză
Tehnician maseur

We believe that every human deserves to have physical comfort, pain-free and a normal life


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